Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May News Letter

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Wedding Season
Wedding season in Townsville is now in full swing with weddings being held every weekend. We have a couple of Fridays booked as well as the traditional days. In fact we booked a Monday wedding yesterday, so they are not limited to the traditional Saturday.
Your wedding photography is one of the most important aspects of the day. After it is all over and the guests have gone home, all that will remain is your memories and images captured during the day.
Don't risk it. Find an accredited photographer that you get on with. It is a long day if you do not get on with them.

Occasionally you get the most amazing skies that can add drama to your wedding images. We were getting ready for Alyce and Jason to go into their reception being held at the Picnic Bay Surf Lifesaving Club. We were hoping to get a good sky, but could not dream it would be like this. Once the sky turned to these beautiful shades we had barely 10 minutes before it was gone. 
To do this you need to be proficient in off-camera flash. Exposure is set for the background so that you get the beautiful colours, in fact you can under-expose a little to increase the drama. The couple are exposed using off-camera flash with a diffuser. The flash exposure is balanced to the sky's exposure. There are a couple of ways to do this, one of the easiest is simply moving the flash closer and further away, depending on the desired result.
Even diffused, the flash does need to be a little distance from the couple. Here I had my assistant on the rocks and to the right. The final image can be manipulated so that more of the detail of the club can be seen. It would be an excellent final image in an album, with lots of impact and nothing really required in Photoshop except to bring out the detail in the background.
This image has had a bit done in Photoshop. The original capture is taken on a 10-20mm Sigma lens that caused quite a deal of distortion. The verticals have been corrected so that the building does not look like it is going to fall over. However there is still a little horizontal distortion. 
I do like some of the effects that wide angle lenses provide and often use them on my group photos. You have to be careful that you do not have the group too close to the edge of the image as that is where most of the distortion occurs.
Other than that, the image has been darkened to add drama, and using a layer mask, the couple bought out so they are more obvious in the image. The sky is real so already had a bit of drama to it. This image became our most liked Facebook image at more than 140 likes at last count.
Summer Wedding Offer
Getting married or know of someone getting married later in the year? We have several spots open from October through to December for weddings. As a special incentive we will throw in a 16x24" print valued at $300 to your package for anyone booking a wedding during this time.
We will be announcing the next photography course and Lightroom course in the next week. Any enquiries please call the office or send us an email.

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